prsidency of  the eurrogroup i have no information no vies to spread around

wjat i do nknow tha tthe term of mr dijselbloom ends on july 15

there is a eurogroup meeting before that it wll be settled 10 of july

this is not an issue for now

on greece

there is i tink a clear pick up in activity a clear pickup in engaement but we are a sign way away from being ablel to signal a good result in sight

in rewality we are now in the 21st of april where we would have wanted to find us two months ago

there are 2 deadlines

1 - which in decl of 20th of feb - end april comprehensive list

there is still anoother week to go after riga

however if u want to present a will be very difff to keep this deadline of 30 april

but there is another deadline 30 june when the programme expires

the question of govt decree ydy - this has been repeatedly demanded from the institutions. a dutch law has been taken as a blueprint. 

there is 1 deadline which is the end of june. the greek auth are best aware whn the prog ends.

brimkmanship andunnecesary excitement won't be done again.

the eurogroup ministers will have a call conference tmrw to have an idea how tings are going.

as far as i am informed there is still some way to go - on fiscal situation

how much money is there? extermemly volatile situation is vey difficult to see from month to month

within the limits that there are that is well manageanble with the decree from ydy

as far as negotiations with athens are going from what i know better